html> Maurice Torrence Photos, Page 2



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Photos scanned Courtesy of Shipmate Fred Carlson

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The Pool area taken from the barracks The second floor hallway in the barracks
Standing L-R, Rosie, Bill Raulerson, Jim Arthur, Ron Deyoung
Kneeling L-R, Max Harn, Nyland (??)
Standing Maurice Torrence
sitting Fred Carlson
L-R: Maurice Torrence, Dino George Unkle
Maurice Torrence (after getting a terrible sunburn in 1961) God was he ever RED!! Jim Arthur 1961
New Petty Officers 1961
I'll let you guys tag the names on these guys. It was done before and I think this photo and names are posted elsewheres on the NBAers' Playground...Fred
Jerry Butler
Crew Three, Back Row L-R:
Jim Lasure, Max Rinehart, Fred Carlson, Larry Nelson, Pete Rice
Front Row, L-R:
Jerry Butler, John Morrison, Dino, (??unknown), Jim Arthur, Bill Raulerson
Armondo, Jim Arthur, Greg Raley, Jones the cook.
Dewy, Rosie, Fred Carlson, Jack Watson Government Housing for Canal Zone employees.
Bill Raulerson's Boat Bridge of the Americas' near completion.
OINC housing. On top of the hill, between the two trees, the School building.
George Mason Max Rinehart


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