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Pictures of Balboa and Ft. Amador

Photos from Panama City, Downtown


A Buckle and BlueJacket - Larry commerates his Military Service:

This is a Police jacket that I bought from a uniform store to put my military patches on. The left sleeve from top is: 1. An eagle and American shield patch I got in San Diego at Seven Seas Store on Broadway. 2. My RM3 Dress Blue Patch. 3. My 40th Division patch (gold sun on blue diamond shaped patch) from the U.S. Army National Guard, Cavalry unit "18th Cavalry, Charlie Troop" that I joined fater the active Navy Reserves. I was a Corporal, Armor Recon Scout. The left chest patch is the NBA patch that I got in Panama, which looks different from the patch shown on the coffee mugs on the NBAers Playground.

On the right sleeve of my blue coat. 1. From top: U.S. Navy Veteran patch. 2. Embroidered American flag patch from Seven Seas in San Diego. 3. My Corporal's stripes from my Army uniform.

On the right front chest: 1. U.S. Navy patch from Seven Seas, San Diego. 2. My name patch from an old Union 76 service station attendant shirt I had.

I got The large (12"-d) U.S. Navy Seal Patch on the back of my blue uniform jacket. I got this patch through

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