Here's a message HOT off the TTY from Wayne Braley, NBAer 1964-1966. This picture is of Wayne
while at the helm of his sailboat,
Ahoy, on Old Cape Cod


R 022100Z APR 05

FM Wayne Braley

TO NBA crew



SUBJ: Life after Farfan/NBA 1964-1966

1. Assigned to USS Wright (CC-2) - Wright was a Communications Command ship with world wide capabilities. She was designed to support the President and the JCS/Pentagon staff in case of nuclear attack. While onbaord as a crewmember in April of 1967, we crossed the equator into the Southern Hemisphere and I was initiated as a Shellback into the Solemn Mysteries of the Ancient Order of the Deep.
In May, 1967, received a letter of Appreciation from the Commanding Officer of the USS Wright.
I was Discharged from the U.S. Navy in 1967.
The USS Wright later participated in Operation High Heels 69.

2. Married in 1969 to Leona and have 3 children Kimberly, Kristine and Michael. Kim graduated with a Masters Degree from Tufts Univ, Kris graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree from Bridgewater State and Mike has a Masters Degree from Bently College, Boston, and he graduated from Mass Maritime Academy.

3. Live in a small New England country town called East Freetown 50 miles south of Boston.

4. Graduated from Rhode Island Technical School in 1969 majoring in electronics. Attended UMASS and Northeastern Univ.

5. Worked at Raytheon for a couple of years then in 1971 applied for a Civil Service Communications Equipment Operator position at the Naval Air Station South Weymouth Mass. It was a small comcen with Autodin, model 28 tty and KW-26 crypto like we had in Panama. The mission supported ASW commands with H3 helos and P3 Orions. Later we advanced to more modern systems as we changed from analog to digital technology.

6. In 1983 a Civil Service Position came open for a US Coast Guard Telecommunications Specialist at headquarters staff in Boston. I was selected and transferred from South Weymouth to Boston. I managed voice and data network operations for USCG telcom northeast region. I retired from Civil Service in 1999 after 32 years. Following retirement I was employed by General Dynamics for a couple of years provisioning telcom networks for Dept of Homeland Security.

7. I had joined the Coast Guard Reserve in 1974 assigned to the USCGC Vigilant in New Bedford for 10 years. Later assigned to USCG Radio Station NMF in Marshfield Mass. NMF was a large scale operation supporting the merchant fleets in the north Atlantic with much of the same broadcast and receiver site capabilities as NBA. Later assigned to District Commanders commen in Boston. I retired from the reserves in 2003 after 35 years. My reserve duty took me to Panama for a couple of days in 1978 flying on a ASW P3 Orion. I visited Farfan barracks and bomb-proof where I met a couple of the old civilian operators. I had worked in COMLE for almost 1 year. Reserve duty also took me to Alaska in 1989 for Exxon-Valdez oil spill. As A Chief Warrant Officer (4), I was assigned as Commanding Officer RU USCG Station Point Allertonk Hull, Mass.

8. Now I am employed by the town of Bourne on Cape Cod. I work 3 days a week at the town marina adjacent to the Cape Cod Canal. Great job!

9. I enjoy...
...Ham Radio


...and saying hello to the NBA crew
while visiting the
New Bedford Seaman's Bethal
Although you may think so,
I'm not a minister.




This page last updated 8/8/2018

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