
Joe, 2005

Joe Cosgrove


April 1964 - September 1966

Outside of boot camp and radio school, my entire military career was spent at Farfan. I left there in Sept of 1966 and headed to Charleston SC to muster out. Two weeks later I was home in Utah and looking for parties.

I went to work at the Defense Depot (a military supplies shipping warehouse) and that lasted about 2 weeks before I quit and went to work for Ma Bell. Started out dispatching and went out to the field as an installation technician.

I became active in the local union and was soon serving as President of the Local and then got elected as President of the AFL-CIO labor council for Northern Utah. This threw me into the realm of local, state and national politics where I worked as a Labor Liaison for several US Congressmen, Senators and for President Carter's campaign in Northern Utah. Quite an experience and I got to meet a lot of interesting people.

All the while, I was still working for the phone company (in between leaves of absence) and finally decided to give up the union and political arena and ventured into the management ranks of the phone company in 1980. I ended up on corporate staff the last several years of my career with them, finally retiring at 30+ years in 1997.

Went to work at a start-up telecom company called ICG who ultimately went bankrupt. In the meantime, I had taken a leave from them and went to Australia for about 10 months. My wife was transferred there for her company so I went along for the ride. Came back to ICG and left again when they went broke (they took some of my money with them) and went to work at AT&T Broadband for a couple of years. They were bought out by Comcast so I retired (again) and was in the state of retirement last year during the first Farfan reunion.

I have since gone to work again for a warranty company doing some system implementations and project management work. This will last for the next few months, then I will retire again and head to North Carolina to build on our acreage down there.

I am on my second marriage and I have two daughters by my first marriage and they have provided us with 6 grandkids. Gail (my current wife since 1991) and I live in Colorado but are moving to North Carolina soon. She got a chance to meet Mark, Vic, Murph and Tom last year briefly at the reunion and we are looking forward to catching up with more of you this year and in years to come.

Joe Cosgrove


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