Jerry Mader

Max Rhinehart

Life after Farfan

1960 - 1962

Hail Farfaners !
   I went to Farfan in 1960 and departed late '62.  Click for a Picture of Young Max  Here's a photo of me back in the day(1959 - Quonset Pt., RI, on the beach)  I stayed for 8 years in the Navy but like most of us I considerated it the best duty ever.
  Upon discharge I returned 'Back Home Again in Indiana.'  I had no real plans and took a job in a Borg- Warner transmission plant.  This is
mind-numbing dead end work that a trained monkey could do so after
a short time, while at work,  I threw down my tools, ran to the parking lot and drove directly to the Navy recruiter.  They were very glad
to welcome back an RM2.
   Went to Commsta Kodiak, (NHB) receiver site Holiday Beach (what a misnomer)  It was similar to Farfan in the same number of personnel,
a barracks and a bomproof.  It was semi-isolated, nasty weather and 20 to 30 miles to the fishing town on a gravel road.  I only went there on weekends because I played in a country band at AFRTV and we had a TV show on Fridays.
    On Good Friday at about 5 PM, 1964, when I was ready to go to town we had the largest earthquake ever measured in North America.  The island tipped slightly and submerged the only road to town.  A few weeks later I was transferred to submaring duty in San Diego at my request and help from my OIC. I skipped sub school because they were
really short of radiomen.
   Sub duty is great.  Food is top notch except when on long deployments to WestPac and Vietnam.  I made one tour on the USS Menhaden  and another on the Uss Spinax,  both diesel boats.  We did a little snooping and ship counting but mostly lifeguard duty to pick up pilots shot down in the gulf of Tonkin.   I didn't want to transfer to nuke boats because we had a lot more fun and more ports open to us, so I got out because diesels were relics.  I stayed in California with a girlfriend and still no plans.  The girl's father suggested I test for a job as a police dispatcher.  I did and the practical test was a breeze for an the job.
 After about 10 months and an inside view of the police I applied
and became a police officer.  I kept at it for the next 28 years.
  I had taken some spanish courses at Farfan,  I lived with 'Duby'
for awhile, who spoke very little english, then I majored in spanish
in college while working.  Also, the department sent me to Mexico
for 'total immersion' spanish.  Very handy to have as a cop in Ca and
also a boost in pay.   
 I enjoyed a great variety of police work.  I started with regular patrol, rode motorcycles for a few years,  then worked with state narcotics task force undercover....2 three year stints.  I was a detective for a long time and had some specialized duty also.  My
favorite job was as a mounted officer.   I would have actually paid
them to let me do it.
     I have been horse crazy all my life.  Even at Farfan I used to rent a horse from a nearby stable.  In Kodiak I borrowed horses from an
old cattle rancher.
  While in law enforcement I partnered with a deputy we bought a
boarding stable....too much work....little profit.  I was a serious competitor in  hunting/jumping horses 'til I got too old.  I also
had horse-drawn carriages and did weddings, advertising, etc for
about 20 years  (except when I was working undercover)
  When I retired from police work I was a licensed private investigator for six years.  Now....the golden years.
   I had a little ranchette in the South Bay area for many years but
have moved to the Sierra Foothills (Browns Valley, Ca) on another
little ranch.  I decided that one old man only needs one horse and
I have Cheyenne 50th horse.
  I do a lot of crafts,  sculpting, painting, carving,  playing piano and taking care of this great place.   I am a member of VFW and Mensa
but don't attend any meetings anymore.  My wife is a working realtor .  
 I'm in good health and will be 70 on 9/11
  I am one contented geezer.

                 Max Rhinehart

                 Write Max an E-Mail

RMA School Diploma Bainbridge, Md
Max's RMA Diploma
Bainbridge, MD
Feb 12th, 1960

NBAer/Farfaner Max Rhinehartsinging
Ruthie Steele's

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