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CLICK on THIS CARD to see it full screen
back side of QSL/QSO card     
"Here's a picture of my HAM Qsl Card from Ukraine. The call sign - UT5UIA. It was back in 2011. with Serge. He and I had established a CW (morse code) communications. It shows a picture of him setting up his mobile rig near the beach. His rig was 40watts. He was from Keyv.
Today the world is in a sad place. ...WB"


February 2nd, 2025

The Forum is Back up and I apologize for the outage. I've been away due to illness but pretty much all better now. Your login information ought to be workinng just like it did the last time you used it, so come on in and let's get it on
  nerk de tuck K

and the Ukraine...
...fights on

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The Veterans Administration has provided a Dell PC with Zoom Text software installed; they also provided the training which has enabled Jim Tucker (NBAer 1964 & 1965) to build and maintain this site. Click Here for a video which shows Tuck using Zoom Text on his PC.

Onboard NBAers' assisting in this endeavor include:

Vic Behan (1964-66) in photo spiffing and page building, and Gallery design
If you're an NBAer with skills to enhance our website, please volunteer those skills.

On the Web Since   >© March  2004 , Mark-O